12th July 2000 - Above the Clouds launches. The old Psychic City Web Site is no more. All the old content about developing your psychic powers is to be found withing the 'Psychic Development Section'. Three more new sections have been added, Fiction which houses my lasting fiction writings that I hope you enjoy, Philosophy - a section in which we can learn of peoples 'Life Philosophies'. and Spiritual Conciousness which is soon to contain several essaes about a new kind of Spiritual Conciousness that is sweeping the world. 18th July 2000 - 'My Story Towards Enlightenment ...So Far' has been added to the Spiritual Conciousness section. 24th July 2000 - 'Ignorance' and 'How football ruined the world' have been added to the Philosophy section. 26th July 2000 - New Search Feature powered by FreeFind.com inserted. 01 August 2000 - Do You Feel the Force? - has been added to the spiritual conciousness section.